Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Death and Empathy

Lately, death has been hanging over my head like an extremely inevitable cloud.
Am I going to die?
No. Not any time soon. I do have trouble shaking the feeling, however. I become this way every so often. I'm rather prone to anxiety attacks, which I have no problem controlling at this point. This doesn't make them any less unpleasant. These mixed with the inevitability of death shakes me.
I had better explain further:
I am afraid of death at the moment, slightly. There are many, many things I would still like to do. When the time does come, I won't be afraid for myself. I won't be able to feel anything, or watch it happen. I'm terrified for those who will. I believe part of why I feel so strongly is caused from an overwhelming sense of empathy I carry with me all the time. I want everyone to be happy. I really, really do. Which is why I can't do things that most people can like watch the news, or a particularily sad film. Knowing that I am going to cause sadness, and an overwhelming sense of loss of control in people I love especially, makes me insane.

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