Saturday, October 17, 2009

Where I Go From Here.

I finished "The Great Gatsby".
It was the saddest, most magnificent book I have ever read. And now I'm almost finished "Jane Eyre". Change in plans about the Jane Austen books. It's on to "The Catcher In The Rye" after this.
In other equally enthralling news, I am pleased to announce my overall general happiness with life at the moment. It's genial, really. Although, it really doesn't take much to make me happy. I would say that can only be a good thing.
Also! I've decided I'd really like to be a writer. A journalist, perhaps. I haven't decided what field in which to write, but I'd really like to do it. I always felt like I had to strive so hard for music, and I'm really not that talented when it all comes down to it. I can sing, but anything instrumental comes awkwardly and unnaturally if it comes to me at all. Much unlike writing. Writing pours from me like it's been waiting there for the moment I decided to let it out. So, to add another goal to the wonderful list of "Soon-to-be Accomplishments", I will start writing things besides blog posts. More songs and poems, as usual, but I should also like to broaden my horizons into things like short stories. We'll see where I go from here.